Marktabhängigkeit und ihre Bedeutung für die Grenzziehungen von Solidarität

Marktabhängigkeit und ihre Bedeutung für die Grenzziehungen von Solidarität

Der Beitrag untersucht Grenzlinien der Solidarität. Er betrachtet, wie in Krisensituationen Unterstützungsbedarfe für jene soziale Gruppen verhandelt werden, die in etablierten Solidaritätsdiskursen in eine Deutungslücke fallen. Untersuchungsgegenstand bildet die öffentliche Verhandlung von Solidarität mit Soloselbstständigen zu Beginn der Coronapandemie. Gestützt auf Auswertungen von 21 qualitativen 

Group conditions for entrepreneurial visions

Group conditions for entrepreneurial visions

An essential part of entrepreneurial activity is the drafting and narrating of an entrepre-neurial vision. This study is premised on the observation that entrepreneurial groups form an interac-tion arena for the practice of imagining the future and asks how the content of entrepreneurial visionsis shaped 

Groups matter: The social embeddedness of entrepreneurial activity

Groups matter: The social embeddedness of entrepreneurial activity

This article argues that small groups matter in order to understand the coordination ofentrepreneurial activity. Not only do small groups form and reproduce during the collectiveaction of entrepreneurship, or rather entrepreneurial groups, but various forms of small groupsprovide trust and solidarity that enables and shapes 

Coordination tasks and modes of linked lives in entrepreneurial families

Coordination tasks and modes of linked lives in entrepreneurial families

The overlap of business and family roles, and how they are linked in entrepreneurial fam-ilies, requires intergenerational negotiation. Biographical case reconstruction analysisof 32 narrative interviews of 12 German entrepreneurial families explores what coordinationtasks need to be resolved and how family members negotiate their interlocking lives.The