
ownership, entrepreneurship, families

In my research, I develop a sociology of entrepreneurship that focuses on entrepreneurial action in its institutional relations
and thus sheds light on a central element of capitalist societies. At its core is the idea that entrepreneurial action is embedded
in social groups and institutions and that these are formed and reproduced through entrepreneurial action. A sociology of entrepreneurship
combines a sociological perspective on self-employed work, on the emergence of organizations and innovation, on the ownership and control of firms,
and on the transformation of capitalist structures. It dispels outdated notions of heroic individual entrepreneurs and critically
points to the social inequalities in capitalist societies. In this respect, a sociology of entrepreneurship makes an
important contribution to understanding our contemporary society.

Research Themes


Die rechtliche Debatte um „Verantwortungseigentum“ gibt zu erkennen, dass Unternehmenseigentum einem tiefgreifenden Wandel unterliegt. Dieses Projekt widmet sich den gesellschaftlichen Problemlagen und Krisenphänomenen, die sich in der Forderung nach einer neuen Rechtsform für Unternehmen kristallisieren. Dafür untersuchen wir die Gesetzesvorschläge für die geforderte GmbH mit