Class Situations of Firm Owners

Class Situations of Firm Owners

This theory project aims to develop a social differentiation of capitalist class situations based on “ownership work”. The starting point are neo-Weberian class schemata, which differentiate different class situations on the basis of employment relations. While this differentiation works very well for employees, it falls 



Die rechtliche Debatte um „Verantwortungseigentum“ gibt zu erkennen, dass Unternehmenseigentum einem tiefgreifenden Wandel unterliegt. Dieses Projekt widmet sich den gesellschaftlichen Problemlagen und Krisenphänomenen, die sich in der Forderung nach einer neuen Rechtsform für Unternehmen kristallisieren. Dafür untersuchen wir die Gesetzesvorschläge für die geforderte GmbH mit 

Die Reichen und ihr Wirtschaftswunder

Die Reichen und ihr Wirtschaftswunder

In diesem Pilotprojekt untersuchen wir den sozialen Aufstieg in die Vermögenelite in Deutschland. Ziel ist es, anhand von Aufstiegsgeschichten die Marker ökonomischer und sozialer Mobilität zu kondensieren, um so theoretische Aussagen über typische Verlaufsbahnen in die Vermögenselite und über ihre Grenze treffen zu können. Da 

Plural Meanings of Ownership

Plural Meanings of Ownership

At the upper end of the wealth distribution in Germany, very large fortunes are concentrated in the hands of a few individuals and families. These fortunes have grown historically and represent individual and dynamic configurations of ownership, with firm ownership usually playing a prominent role. This 

Exit in German Mittelstand

Exit in German Mittelstand

For the past two decades, we can observe a gradual shift in ownership transfer in German Mittelstand from a strong preference towards family internal succession towards selling the business externally. Adopting the perspective of a sociology of ownership, I view the configuration of transfer to 

Entrepreneurial Group Dynamics

Entrepreneurial Group Dynamics

In this sociological research group, we understand entrepreneurship as collective action and draw attention to entrepreneurial groups as key social units involved in this collective action. Such entrepreneurial groups are constituted by a small number of family members, friends or former colleagues that jointly engage 

Collaborative Methods

Collaborative Methods

On a methodological level, I have broad experience with a wide range of qualitative methods: regularly engage in quantitative projects with outstanding partners; and explore the potential of cooperative, digital methods.  In particular, I have explored the potential of combining online-learning with crowd science and